Contact Us
50 Station Road
Greenisland, County Antrim
BT38 8TP. Northern Ireland
Monday–Thursday 9am–5.30pm
Friday 9am-1pm
A late night surgery is available by appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
This website was last updated 18th February 2024
Dental Emergencies
In the unfortunate event of a dental emergency, please contact the practice by telephone and we will make every effort to see you as soon as possible.
Outside of normal practice hours, contact Dalriada Dental Emergencies on 02825663510 between 8AM and 12 noon Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Our registered patients should telephone 02890860565 for further information.
In the event of a dental complaint, the patient is asked to speak with or write to Dr Beverley Eller, Dr Lynne Abbott or Dr Carol McVeigh.
We will acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days and will investigate within 10 working days from when the matter was raised. If there are any delays in the process, the complainant will be informed.
In our investigation we will:
find out exactly what happened and why
ensure the complainant is given the opportunity to discuss the problem with those concerned
ensure an apology is issued where appropriate
update our procedures to ensure the problem does not happen again
The outcome of the investigation will be share with the complainant in writing or in person
Greenisland Dental Practice operates a complaints procedure compliant with HSC Complaints Procedure and The Independent Healthcare Regulation (Northern Ireland) 2005.
A copy of the practice complaints procedure is available at reception.